Sunday, January 27, 2013

Shift Happens

There have been many shifts in the history of reading.  Throughout time many people have been involved in finding out how children learn to read and it is through research and technology that influence they way in which we teach reading today! 
Its crazy to read how the evolution of reading has changed.  For example, the cave men drew pictures, but it is through thier of the written language they were able to make meaning of this.  And now how we make meaning from just about anything we have a connection with.  I feel that the most important shift that has changed literacy is technology.
Technology has changed throughout time and it has had an impact on reading.  For example, once the printing press was invented, books became more and more available.  Today, technology is so advanced.  Ipads and the internet just from the top of my head, has become much of the way in which children and students access inforamtion and we as teachers need to change and incorporate the ever so changing world of technology into our classrooms to help our students gain access. 

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