Sunday, January 27, 2013

What is text?

Its crazy to think about how the definition of what is a text is changing due to our technology. When I was in school text was our textbooks and the novels we were reading in class. But now, text has a whole different meaning. Technology has brought about a new definition of text, multiliteracies. Text is now anything that we are able to make meaning from. A simple picture, movie, or poem that we come in contact with daily can be a text. I love this becuase it expands our range of knowledge and brings about new experiences to our present. We are constantly involoved with text and bringing that alive in the classroom for our students is a create way to promote thier thinking. Its not just what we read but its all around us and we are connecting with text everyday! Not just when we sit and read. I want my students to access as much multiliteracies as possible to grasp on to meaning and make it thier own. This will help them become memebrs of our socity now and in the future!

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